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由此可見 [106美國直購] 睡眠 spa音響 SONEic - Sleep, Relax and Focus Sound Machine 10 Soothing White Noise and Natural 確實有其獨到之處。


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2018 [106美國直購] 睡眠 spa音響 SONEic - Sleep, Relax and Focus Sound Machine 10 Soothing White Noise and Natural 暢銷好評系列


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[106美國直購] 睡眠 spa音響 SONEic - Sleep, Relax and Focus Sound Machine 10 Soothing White Noise and Natural 詳細介紹:


About the product
SONEic - Sleep, Relax and Focus Sound Machine. For enhanced sleep, relaxed atmosphere and increased focus. Soothes infant and parents, improves concentration, creates confidential conversation and blocks inside or outside undesirable noise. For: Home, Office, Dorm, Kids Room or Nursery.
10 Soothing White Noise and Natural Sound Tracks. To create the most realistic and natural environment. Choose from: White Noise, Brown Noise, Pink Noise, Gray Noise, Tropical Forest, Ocean, Brook, Wind, Thunder or Rain. Can be played continuously non-stop or with auto-off timer option for 15, 30 or 60 minutes.
Crystal Clear Quality Sound Speaker, with volume control. Also equipped with 3.5mm headphone/earphone jack (headphone/earphone not included).
Powered by USB. AC/DC USB adapter and micro USB cable included. Can be used with any international USB adapter, USB power outlet, computer/laptop USB port, USB auto adapter. Can also be powered by 4 AA batteries (batteries not included).
Portable and lightweight for easy travel. Stylish design and color variety available.

Product details
Color: White
Product Dimensions: 6 x 5.6 x 1.8 inches ; 9.6 ounces
Shipping Weight: 13.6 ounces



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回應美批「歐威爾式」胡鬧 崔天凱:不評論愚蠢言論





更多 TVBS 報導
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中美貿易戰 印媒:應注意中試圖將台當成籌碼



▼(圖/翻攝自Nicole Benhamou臉書)


根據《紐約時報》報導,美國佛羅里達州30歲的人女子克莉絲朵(Crystle Galloway),上月底剖腹產下一子並返家休養,未料,克莉絲朵的母親布萊克4日發現她倒臥在浴缸上,不僅嘴唇腫脹,口水也不自覺一直流,看見女兒奄奄一息的模樣,母親趕緊打急救專線求助。

▼(圖/翻攝自Nicole Benhamou臉書)



▼(圖/翻攝自Crystle Galloway臉書)




(封面圖/翻攝自Crystle Galloway臉書)


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●​隨身帶救命丸…馬如風死因曝光 妻:事發前曾飲酒

本文引用自: https://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E6%95%91%E8%AD%B7%E4%BA%BA%E5%93%A1%E5%97%86-%E4%BD%A0%E4%BB%98%E4%B8%8D%


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